Learn to use a computer, navigate the Internet, participate in Zoom meetings, use email, create Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, and more! 

Hopelink’s Digital Skills program offers workshops, classes, and one-on-one coaching to support adult learners with developing technology skills.  

Who is Hopelink’s Digital Skills Program for? 

The Digital Skills program serves adults aged 18 years or older living in north and east King County in Washington State. Refugees who live in surrounding areas are welcome to participate.   

Those who are visiting or living in the U.S. temporarily on a B-1, B-2, F-1, J-1, or M-1 visa are not eligible for the program.  

Workshops and Classes 

Workshops and classes are offered in-person at Hopelink Centers and virtually on Zoom.  

We provide a small group learning environment so that each participant has many opportunities to ask questions and practice.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own devices to in-person workshops and classes. We have computers available for use if needed!

Contact us at digitalskills@hopelink.org or (425) 410-0066 for more information.   

Upcoming workshops:

We will offer Computer Basics workshops at Hopelink’s Kirkland center starting in September.

Please check back for more information.

One-on-one Coaching 

In addition to offering workshops and classes, Hopelink offers one-on-one digital skills support.  

Do you need help learning how to use a new laptop, Chromebook, or iPad? Do you want to create an email account and learn tips for managing your email? Do you want to learn how to use Google Docs?  

You can schedule a time to meet with a Digital Skills instructor in person at a Hopelink Center or virtually on Zoom. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate all requests, but we will do our best to support you! 

Contact us at digitalskills@hopelink.org or (425) 410-0066 to request support.  

Contact Us